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"Once upon a time" in 1959 a group of ten women met and organized the Eastern Hills Junior Club.  From that simple beginning it has become a club that has grown with the times, reshaped its role as its membership changed, but has always kept its focus on the whole community and the special concerns of the people whom the club touches.


The early emphasis was on culture and the community, and projects included a school art show.  Great Books and Great Decision forums, a PTA Revue and participation in the Madeira Recreation Commission.  Membership doubled in that first year.


By 1965, membership had grown to 50 and outgrew the home meeting sites.  The club moved to the Municipal Building in Madeira where it financed the remodeling and decorating of a meeting room for use by the various civic organizations.  It was at this time the club changed their name to the Madeira Woman's Club.  The major 1965 project was the opening of a used clothing store, named the Clothes Closet.  The membership saw in the area a need for inexpensive, yet useful and fashionable clothing while providing the club with a unique way of funding other charities and projects.  Unfortunately, the Clothes Closet closed in 2014 due to increased operational costs.


The 70's brought a vision for a Sidewalk Art Show which has turned into the annual Madeira Art Fair hosted the first Sunday in May which now funds the Scholarship program for local high school graduates.


The club remains an active part of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs organizing projects and presenting informative programs to the membership.  Currently, the club works year round on a multitude of projects:  USO Baby Shower, No-Sew Blankets for Hospice of Southwest Ohio, 

Halloween at McDonald Commons Park, Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention, multiple projects supporting the veterans at the Joseph House, food collections for area food pantries, Soles4Souls, knitted hats for babies at Children's Hospital and chemo patients at Jewish Hospital, Christmas stockings for the USO and the Joseph House, collection of pill bottles for Matthew 25 and pop tabs for Kindervelt.  Members choose the projects they want to participate in where they can follow their passions.  A book club meets the third Monday of every month.  General club meetings on the third Thursday of the month feature a variety of programs that educate and enlighten members.  Social activities include playing Wizard (the first Thursday of the month) and Rummikub (on the fourth Thursday of the month) along with educational field trips.


Through the years many lifetime friendships have been formed.  Our members have helped one another through difficult times.  The Madeira Woman's Club has grown from a small group of women to a larger club.  It has never once lost sight of the focus of the original ten, to serve the community and its members.


If you are interested in being part of a community service organization, contact us now to JOIN!



Madeira Woman's Club ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2018

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